the concept of enterprise Mobility in India, many organizations are considering
the mobile devices as their learning delivery media of choice. Well, going with
the wind is not a bad idea, but such preferences are impeded by the various
budget constraints, specifically providing costly technologies and mobile
is the reason why the concept of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is rapidly
emerging as one of the cost-effective alternatives for the enterprises or
organizations willing to embrace a mLearning approach without even providing
the devices. But in reality, still there many organizations who feel safe being
away from the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).
more ‘n’ more organizations are increasingly looking towards the mobile devices
as a learning delivery channel, it has become imperative to highlight both the
most commonly know challenges and the future opportunities associated with the
concept of delivering learning through the employee’s personal mobile device.
have a look at the major concerns:
you think one-size-fits-for-all will work?
enterprises and mLearning service providers are nailing their heads with the
thought of developing a single system to support almost every type of issues
arising on the tons of different mobile devices having different configurations
and features. Moreover, starting from the support for enterprise applications
to the software installation quirks, there are tons of other issues that you
will have to face.
compatibility between the different mobile operating systems is one of the
major challenge that is being sited by the organizations. With such a huge
number of new devices in the legacy systems, integration issue is quite valid.
Mobile learning solution or service providers will have to cope up with such
fragmentation issues.
if the organization or users won’t find the system useful and reliable, they
will simply discard it on the go. After this, it would be quite impossible to
regain their trust back. Therefore, an effective communication between the IT
department of an organization and the mLearning service provider is essential
in order to implement the mLearning solutions or systems successfully. And this
becomes more important when you are dealing with the BYOD environment.
of data and security is another major concern. Both the data security and data
loss are always a prime concern for the enterprises when they are planning to
implement BYOD. Most of the organizations are concerned about how much control
they would have on their employees’ personal devices. Moreover, they are also
worried about the security issues or vulnerabilities caused due to the mobile
what are the opportunities? Well, one of the biggest opportunity that
organizations or corporate world can leverage is the technological advancement
taking place every now and than in the consumer products. Consumer market tends
to take big leaps and moves far ahead from the corporate market. Moreover, one
should not overlook the strong bond of users with the mobile devices and
concept of BYOD will open new doors of opportunity for the mLearning solutions
and service providers to serve to the SME’s training requirements. Most of the
small or mid-sized enterprises have very limited budget to offer the training
material and all. BYOD and the mLearning will boast such SMEs by reducing the
cost overhead.
BYOD and mLearning brings a great opportunity for the learning service
providers to leverage from them while reducing the other issues. However, they
will have to learn to deal with the concerns discussed above. What’s your view
on this? Do you really think BYOD can bring ease of training or learning?
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