Monday, 24 June 2013

How Apple Would Survive In Constantly Changing Mobility Paradigm?

The launch of the iPhone and the iPad concurred with the concept of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend. Apple’s mobile devices, included Smartphone like the iPhone and tablets such as iPad, have flooded the enterprises and organizations, and the IT pros could do a little to stop that flow.

If we believe to the figures from the analysts IDC, more than 31 million iPhones were sold straightforwardly to the business last year, 37 million iPhones to the workers and almost 79 millions to the consumers. This clearly indicates that iPhones and iPads have become a popular choice among the businesses across the globe due to its immense popularity as a consumer device.

What does it mean? Well, it's quite obvious that the Apple has managed to sell its hardware to the enterprises without involving the people who use to make the buying decision, including the CIO and the IT department within the organizations. However, you can consider the Apple’s success in enterprise mobility its fortunate or a mere side effect of its immense success as a consumer product.

That is both, a strong and a weak side of Apple. It’s a strong side or strength because it shows that Apple can sell to the enterprises or businesses without worrying about the requirements or expectations of the CIO of an organization and thus, without any obligation to support inflated enterprise capabilities at the cost of hip consumer flourishes.

However, the same could be one of the major weaknesses of the Apple as it’s favorite among the enterprises as long as its popularity among its consumers, which is a very weak base.

So, how strongly established is Apple in the field of enterprise mobility? The first ever iPhone was discovered size years back and that is quite a long time in the field of technology. However, the rivals of the Apple have identified the threat of the iPhone and finally started delivering high-end Smartphones that many people across the wanted to use.

Earlier, it was enough for the Apple to convince workers to fall for the iPhone within the enterprise. But now Apple will have to change its philosophy and will have to start talking to the CIO if it wants to survive in this highly competitive mobile technology environment. Apple will have to woo the CIOs, specifically is there’s something of a backlash against BYOD and management will have to roll up the sleeves to bring different kinds of devices that are allowed to access by the business systems.

Moreover, Apple has a great story for the enterprise, it just needs to elaborate it a little bit more while leaving back all the negative perceptions grown up till now. Also, it should not forget that Microsoft may have a poor customer base but it has two strong supporters from the enterprises: CIO & the IT department.

Every one of us might be aware about the dominance of Microsoft in the enterprise through its desktops. However, some of you might argue that Microsoft’s execution is still poor and need a lot of work but you should not forget that it could be improved. Another great weapon of Microsoft is Office. Most of all the businesses are built on Office. You can’t rule the enterprise, until Office stops being the dominant productivity tool.

Microsoft is not a just single platform that pushing down Apple these days. Samsung is also in the market and creating buzz among the enterprise buyers while adding CIO-friendly features within the devices.

All this spice up the enterprise mobility trend far more than it was earlier as much of the success will depend on how the next generation handsets from the Apple and its competitors will be responded by the consumers and how well the organizations will utilize them with their business…!

For more information about SAP Enterprise Mobility Solutions then visit our website.


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